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17 surprising facts about snow

Whether you love frolicking in the white stuff at the first sign of a snowflake or prefer bundling up and hibernating until the spring thaw, or even if you’ve only ever dreamed of touching a snowball, here’s a blizzard of brrillliant snow-driven facts…

Four ways in which Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his time

Four ways in which Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his time

Leonardo da Vinci is generally recognised as one of the great figures of the Renaissance and one of the greatest ever polymaths. As the world marks the 500th anniversary of his death, it’s important to look at some of the ways in which he showed that – as well as being a painter, sculptor and engineer – he was a thinker who was way ahead of his time.

A paradise in a buffer zone

Outside the last physically divided city on Earth, a small, olive oil-producing farm surrounded by barbed wire thrives in a UN-controlled buffer zone.

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