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Why social distancing might last for some time

Why social distancing might last for some time COVID-19 As countries around the world implement measures to keep people from mixing, BBC Future looks at the evidence behind why it is such a crucial step in the fight against Covid-19 and how long it may go on for. By...

Covid-19: The ways viruses can spread in offices

Covid-19: The ways viruses can spread in offices   By Lu-Hai Liang 25th March 2020 If even a single surface is compromised, a virus can infect the majority of a workplace in a matter of hours.   Around the world millions of people have abandoned their offices – their...

Chế độ ăn thuần chay có tốt cho sức khỏe?

Are there health benefits to going vegan?  More and more people are eating vegan meals – and part of the reason is it’s seen as healthier. Is it really better for you? In the first of a new vegan series on BBC Future and BBC Good Food, Jessica Brown looks at the...

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