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  HIỂU THEO VIỆT NGỮ   GS Đàm Trung Pháp  Nguồn: Tập san Việt Học Journal 001 absent without leave: 1. vắng mặt không có lời giải thích - Lisa went to the movie but got in trouble with her parents for being “absent without leave.” – 2. vắng mặt bất hợp pháp (trong...

Which cooking oil is the healthiest?

Cooking oils are a kitchen staple. But there’s a lot of conflicting information regarding how healthy each of them are. With so many on the shelves – from coconut to olive, vegetable to canola, avocado to rapeseed oil – how do we know which ones to use, and if we should be avoiding any altogether?

Europe’s most misunderstood capital?

This city of valleys, plateaus and promenades had captured my attention, but, like many people, I still knew little about Luxembourg – which is perhaps an odd thing to say about one of Europe’s most prosperous countries.

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